Monday, August 31, 2009

Winning Wining

Hey gang, well I am back. And this one is happier than ever. Ha. "Well enjoy"!

Friday, August 28, 2009

New Directions, College, Getting younger?

I was talking to Camila last night, a lovely friend of mine who lives on the north side of chicago with her mother, step father, and oft-hard to please 3 year old brother. He picks a new favorite big kid every time we visit and through this elaborate story I have gained a reference for this new direction! I am using Camilla's recommendation going to make the podcast now a mixture of tales from college and mock high school musings of a young male sophomore having the time of his life angsting and wangsting after life. SO without further ado, as soon as I can figure out how to publish my shit again this thing will be rolling.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Days Gone By + Games that are Fly

This is the preceding few weeks back to feb 20th. It includes games played in Latin, games of Romance, shames of doug, etc... I did not get a chance to include the ambiance of Ash Wednesday sadly. There is a little california though (camilla+wine+meh). The three poems are by three girls. One is Stephanie a Payton grad, one is the winning poem by the girl from Brown, the bike one is by a girl named George all three from the LOUDER THAN A BOMB poetry slam that changed my life last weekend in a few ways. If you want to contribute your own recordings of late- teendom drop us a line. The more the betterer...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Amazing Life > Posting

Sorry guys but life has been amazing so I have been too busy to post. But THank You all you ssnom faithful (I dont know if we are yet to the point of faith being a factor BUT ANYWAYS) hopefully later today I will have time to sit down and finish a real episode. I have been at Louder than a Bomb a youth poetry slam in chicago the last two days basically 180ing my life etc... Thank You for patience.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lunch (2.5 Minutes) UPDATE (Joey Fishman)

*UPDATE 2.18.09*
Oh Kay, for those of you who enjoy sort of profound musical overtones in an otherwise seemingly mundane event, please enjoy Joey Fishman's fantastic remix of the original lunch!


*Original 2.16.09*
A story about me getting lunch presented as a LIVE recording:


Talking to Charley (1.5 mins)

Well as if I could resist! I "interviewed" Charley cause the way he talks is an accidental masterpiece. I was being an obnoxious end-of-the-day teenager but it is still good times. Thanks to joey for working on a remix for lunch RIGHT NOW!


Looking 4 Talent

Well right now I am working on a new post and trying to find kids who want to create some stories. Stick with us during this rough period of thoughts and decisions and the glorious light at the end of the tunnel shall be a cake or a pie or whatever you want it to be be. Relatively, it will be good for all.

We are:

We are:
I am Paul C.